Archetypal Voice Dialogue Workshop
This interactive online group workshop is a form of shadow work that brings greater self knowledge, personal agency & wholeness within the Self.
It sees us embody archetypal sub personalities within the psyche - which are always here - and get to know them from their perspective, giving them their voice. These are aspects of the Self that often remain unrecognised and unappreciated, even though they perform great service for us.
Crucially, having brought these aspects into consciousness and embodied them, we come to know that they are simply doing their job and cannot be discarded, fixed or changed. This fundamental insight helps free us from the self-centredness fuelling neuroticism and disordered emotions and brings appreciation and gratitude.
By feeling into each aspect and giving each a voice within the container of a training environment we are then able to recognise them within our daily life, giving a route to greater integration & wholeness.
Saturday October 25, 2025. 10am - 4.30pm
Price £125