Somatic Dream Interpretation Retreats
“‘’Dreams are invariably seeking to express something that the ego does not know and does not understand.””
This highly practical retreat is focused on learning a simple way to self interpret dreams through the felt sense of the soma.
Within a safe space over a short weekend, this immersion offers a pioneering & integral methodology which includes guided meditations, journaling, dyads (partnered contemplative self-inquiry), and yoga nidra, weaving together the Focusing approach of Eugene Gendlin within a Jungian perspective.
When we’re in conscious contact with symbols (images, visions, dreams etc) as well as what is felt within the body, there is a live & fluid juncture where the physical meets the psychological, the soma with the psyche, where the unconscious can be heard, directly experienced and somehow make sense.
You know when you know, right? Something just clicks. It’s kind of like what happens in your body when you remember where your phone or car keys are..
There maybe a felt expansion in your chest, a particular kind of relief, excitement, joy, a lightness and a knowing, a feeling of resolution and reconciliation. That’s it!
Rather than simply being told what dreams mean by experts, which maybe wrong or simply offer an intellectual understanding, we can allow the unfailing reliability of our embodied awareness to help us realise what it knows, directly.
When approached with gentle enquiry, dreams that may have been utterly baffling, unveil their gifts and offer ways of ‘living forward’ their wisdom into our lives.
This unique opportunity offers practical ways to engage with dreams both by oneself and with others after the retreat and is open to those with no prior dream interpretation experience, including ‘non dreamers’ as well as practitioners who might like to take a more embodied approach. You’re most welcome to bring any existing dreams to the weekend that you’d like to know more about, but we will have time and space to allow the emergence of our dream life to freshly appear in this evocative setting.